building materials -
epoxy resin & hardener - should have enough pot life to soak in good + aeriate when glasing -
best to do it in the morning when still cool - and then have the heat later to set it off good -
douglas fir ist a good construction lumber - but I do not know if it will be available on the east coast - easily -
you will find same substitute -
in some places - such as fillets - you can use - same lighter wood - such as spruce -
anchor fast nails - even aluminum - are easy to cinche down with - planking or butt blocks -
you will get them at the regular building supply or marine stores - brass - as small as posible -
when glassing - you can first soak one layer - then cover with a dry one after to soak up the excess resin -
after hartening - fill in completly with new resin - this way you have less resin - less weight -
5 wide glass 6oz is about right -
foam - we use polystyrol - regular construction insulation foam that has a desity of 2 ½ lbs / f 3 -
there are poly urethane foams + others - but they are more expensive - heavier -
styrofoam is not strong enough - you have no conection beween in + outside layer
if you can not get the ¾" thickness - ½" can be used to - but you then have to use ½"x 1" stringers -
micro baloons are now avalable in 7 lbs / f3 - scotch lite - use when no heavy loads are on it
such as filler resin between foam core & ply wood planking -
with 15% / weight added - the mixture has then a density of less then half of resin alone -
remember every # - that is not nesessary - slows you down later
poly urethan sealer - for glueing on the jibs to the roller tubing -
you get at the auto parts store -